yea, I’m here in a good mental state
Okay, I didn’t realise that people would literally come up to me in real life and message me about my blog posts and youtube videos if I didn’t put something up for a while – which I greatly appreciate by the way.
Cause you know I’m active on the Gram – I haven’t disappeared.
I can’t lie, there’s been a lot of draft blogs I wrote that never reached the website. A lot’s been happening since the ease of restrictions, release of Omicron [new variant of the C19-Virus] and the end of my degree.
That’s right, that ‘1-year-offline-2-years-online’ degree that I did is done. I haven’t applied for graduation because I’m having a dilemma on whether I should just get the graduation slip and dip since this, “online degree”, might not mean too much to me. I’m still considering the option of potentially coming back to the Environmental Science field and Oceanography open after a year though!
context: he left that on the staircase to let me know he’d gone to his neighbour for brunch with Nana
Here’s a more macro-update to what’s been important to me:
I just want to say that dropping a lot of responsibilities and losing weight gave me a lot of mental stability and headspace clearance. I’ve been kicking goals and been doing so well since then; both physically and mentally.
(You’re probably wondering what losing weight has to do with this – I’ll explain on a separate post)
Let’s move onto an update of important thing I set for myself.
Honest update to the 3 month goals I set 4 months ago.
1. Reduce 70% of my belongings – to be honest, I reduced about about 5% but that’s because of changed plans for the coming year.
2. Put up at least 1 blog a week – Nope – but if I put my draft posts up, it’d probably have been 1 every 2 weeks.
3. Sharpen my mind – I didn’t meditate much but I did succeed in this. I’ll touch on how I did this where I talk about my new goals for the year.
4. Delayed gratification – yes! I’ve been patient. It’s paid off.
5. Reduce responsibilities – there’s been a huge change to the details on this – I’ve dropped OTGAM (reasons to do with the business), I have the 3 jobs (Teaching/swimming swim lessons, lifeguarding and teaching Korean). I did reduce a lot of responsibilities even within the jobs.
There you have it. My medium term goals and the result of them as of today.
The view:
on the other side of Mt. Martha is Arthurs seat which is the peak of the slope to the left and to the right, the darkness is the Port Phillip Bay.
As I stated above, I’ve got this mental stability and clearance now, and with that will come the videos and blog posts..
thank you for reading.
comment what u think/ share your journey or progress, 😊
connect with me !! through my socials – I appreciate feedback
Instagram, Twitter & Youtube channel: @taeheebk