Nearly there with my undergrad
1 month and 6 more days to go until I’m done.
It’s been nearly 3 years and 1 gap year. Soon, I’ll be done. Studying online has been such a drag for an Environmental Science major like me because I haven’t been able to relate the theoretical and use of technology to real life situations since lockdown has kept me locked in.
I don’t actually plan on coming back to Environmental Science for at least a year in terms of studies, though I might potentially come back to do an honours in Oceanography. That’d be dope.
I’ve missed around 7 potential field trips, about 30 outdoor practicals I could have been on in the past 2 years and lots of real-life interactions with people I studied with. Luckily for me, I made that extra effort to make some acquaintances/friends via zoom. In the breakout rooms of the first few lessons, I’d just message people and figure out who knows who and make smaller acquaintance/friend groups to help one another during the semester. Cause we’re all in this together.
I was on a zoom call mapping land-use change here and made a friend or two. We tried hard but didn’t get anywhere during that hour. But that’s okay.
That was cool.
“Nearly there, I’m nearly there”, I keep reminding myself.
I came out of a 3-week long slump from mid-September to early-October (still recovering from that leg injury) with assignments literally swarming me and my shin not having fully healed yet. At one stage I had 6 assignments and 4 quizzes due in the span of 2 weeks - and these quizzes and assignments weren’t the easy ones. 1500+ words averaging 10 required references per paper with some challenging quizzes and to top if off, group assignments.
It’s mid-October-ish now and I’ve overcome most things. My legs healed with my consistent rehab work, I got the assignments done with the push, encouragement and teamwork with friends and I’m now working bit by bit on OTGAM, my business with mum and waiting for restrictions to ease to go back to work.
There’s less than 3 months to go until the end of the year and I’m just going to make some quick goals for the remainder of the year:
Reduce 70% of my belongings - so that I can move to different places at the end of this lease.
Put up at least 1 blog a week - cause I know I have so much to talk about, I just haven’t written them.
Sharpen my mind - through meditation and mindfulness thinking + tunnel vision and staying focused.
Delayed gratification - practising this through overcoming temptations for instant gratification.
Reduce responsibilities - I just want to work 1 or 2 part-time jobs and run OTGAM. Any other time I have on my hands, I’m going to use it to myself and people around me. My content and my people.
These are my medium term goals.
Feels so good to just write it out. Glad I got this off my chest.
What about you guys? Do you have any goals you want to achieve by the end of the year?