No end to learning

Hey all.

For the past two months, I stuck my head in the books. I’ve been reading and studying different topics in both English and Korean by keeping up with current news topics (e.g. Donald Trump’s inauguration for his second term, President Yook Seok-yeol’s impeachment) and learning interpreting techniques through online lessons. All of this has been fun. I haven’t been this consistent and passionate with my studies since I finished my undergraduate degree just over five years ago.

Actually, I’ve not been this engaged in my studies since year 9 (middle school) when I used to carry my science book everywhere with me when I was studying for the entrance exam to get into the Science School I applied for. I’d even take the books I studied on family dinners and outings. I was absolutely obsessed and happy in what I studied at that time.

(I got in after 2 years with one failed attempt).

Yes, so I’ve been occupied the last few months studying for the entrance exam of Masters of Interpreting and Translation at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. The exam is in late October!

There is a written component and a speaking component in the exam and it can be on any topic. There has been cases in the previous years where issues and news around the time of the exam has come up. Hence I am getting into the habit of keeping up with reading the news at the moment. On top of that, I feel the need to have a better understanding of knowledge on important fields of studies such as the economy, business, medicine. I intend to supplement my ongoing studies with online resources available in these areas.

So here is a list of resources I will use. I hope this is helpful to someone somehow as well. If you know any more, please feel free to share them in the comments and I can add them onto this post if I think it’s good.

Khan Academy: (I’ll start with economics here)


The Economist:

The New York Times:

The Wall Street Journal:





한자 5급 강의

한자 모의고사


End of 2024