Blue Dragon
2024 is the year of the Blue Dragon.
The Year of the Dragon signalling good luck, success, authority.
I started off the New Year with good company. I was in Melbourne and watched the New Years Fireworks which lasted 9 minutes into the New Year with a close friend of mine and a friend I’ve known since grade 4/5 from South Korea.
Image: 2024 New Years Fireworks over Marvel Stadium in Docklands, Melbourne.
I’m in the process of writing my 2024 Goals, which I’ll put in My Works. This year I’m looking to start my dream University course – Masters of Interpreting and Translation at Monash University. I’ve put my application in and am just waiting on approval now. I’m suuuuper healthy and happy with the state that I am in physically. Mentally I’m doing pretty damn good too. Financially, I’m starting out quite fresh. Coming out from a rough end where a lot of my monies went to helping family, I’ve now put myself in a great position. Work I’ve been doing right up until the end of last year has put me here and I’m happy.
I’m looking to run towards my goals. My words for this year will be ‘clarity & output’. I’ll be proper focused on outputting on social media; through writing, media and other forms and will be putting myself out there with work and services I can provide. My 81 year old Grandma told me to not be too serious and do things with joy; with an element of fun being part of my mindset. I’m looking to do that.
My main focuses will be:
Physical Health – Revolving my training around Taekwondo and distance running; to maintain good stamina so I can do more while I’m awake.
Mental Health – more deep breathing, meditation and mindfulness – so I can tend to important things with clarity and focus.
Interpreting and Translation Studies
Language studies – Korean and English as the main. Continuing my Japanese and Thai Studies.
Social Media output – This will involve a lot – whether it be Instagram, Youtube and just videos in general.
Upskilling myself
Image: Melbourne CBD from the Balcony of the ANZAC memorial - Shrine of Remembrance.
I’ve got plans to go overseas coming up! Yet to post many of my trips from last year which I’ll get around to as well.
I hope you’re all doing well and are healthy and happy with where you are. If not, I hope this year brings good things to you.
Writing weekly is one of the New Years Resolutions.
See you next week!
Weekly Exercise summary
1st Jan, 2024 - Monday - 6km run (5:09/km)
02 Jan - Tuesday - 2km pool swim + 3km run (5:30/km)
03 Jan - Wednesday - 2km pool swim
04 Jan - Thursday - 8km run
05 Jan - Friday - 3km run
06 Jan - Saturday - rest
07 Jan - Sunday - 10km run - ended up resting after long restless days.
Total running goal - 30km
Result - 20km
Lowest weight recorded 76.0kg