Just another day
It’s not too early. It’s just another day.
Another day to start fresh and another day I got up with a fresh mind.
So I posted a Vlog which I hadn’t done for a while:
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and… that felt really good! My friends found it as a nice way to see what I was up to and told me that they felt it to be a honest one.
Here’s an insight into my mind when I watch the video though;
Glad to have made this one, another one for the books.
I can see that I’ve come a fair way and am proud of myself for that
Damn my acne is so bad but it’s getting better :/ but doesn’t bother me to keep making videos. It’s actually getting better and I think I figured out why.
Just from that third point - I know that there are endless causes for acne/pimples and I think mine had to do initially with stress. My stress was mainly caused by me, just me to blame - for not doing what I needed and wanted to do. It got better as I came to terms with myself on not trying to change what I cannot change.
*This is not a medical advice. I am just sharing my personal opinion. If you need help with any skin problems, please professional for medical advice.
I think the cause of my acne is my eating habits - eating late.
I don’t have digestion problems but definitely take long time digest food quite often. To stay fit or even just a healthy weight, I have to exercise that much more than the average person. I gain weight real fast.. really fast. (I gain muscle quickly too so that’s a blessing). So in the past few weeks I’d been eating dinner quite late and was not active - which made me feel quite heavy. I rarely eat processed food and eat pretty healthy but I truly believe that for me, it had a lot to do with eating late - which probably affects my gut health. I found that sleep had a big effect on my skin too. Not sleeping early and well made things worse at times. If I slept early and on a fairly empty stomach, I’d be in the clear… The bottom line is… I need to look after my gut health.
Reason I say that is because my acne has been going down and new ones have been on the low recently which is really nice.
Shoutout to my mum who thinks I’m jinxing it by talking about it.
One of the lifeguards I like for doing his job well. Looking into a usually-busy pool that’s empty.
Lockdown ended 2 days after I posted that video and I am back to work! - Excited to teach kids swimming again (I get to see my babies on Sunday (I teach infants on this day)).
Apart from my shin splint(?)/leg injury that’s taken me off my marathon training for nearly 2 weeks, I’ve been enjoying solitude.
Not anything long term nor negative but a more short-term and medium-term thing. I learned what solitude meant through a high-school friend. He taught me what it was during my first year of University back in 2018. Danigan is his name and I remember him having been quite into it. It took me nearly 3 years since then to come to appreciating it, but I’m glad I do now. It just sort of began with working on myself and realising that the need to stay communicating with others all the time is unnecessary.
Now, before I continue, I want to clarify that I do prefer being amongst people over being alone. But I don’t struggle to be alone in complete silence either. But now I truly appreciate the things solitude can entail. So far it’s given me space and time to be able to pause everything and see that the world continues to revolve without me in it - which actually gives me peace knowing that everything is OK even if I’m completely still, not doing anything. It’s an obvious thing but I’d never thought about it like this.
At Kenangan, an Indonesian restaurant. From left: Indonesian dessert, pink soda drink, Bebek Betutu, satay skewers and Nasi Campur Bali. The food here is phenomenal. Dinner with my mother.
After sorting things out with myself, I started spending more time with close friends and family. In real life and over the phone. My father was talking about how he could hear that I sound a lot calmer than usual through my voice.
I’ve spent more time talking to my parents, getting closer talking about my studies in Korean popular culture, which goes into the era of my parents’ youth quite often. That’s been great because I get to hear about what It was like for them growing up and learn about their past during that time period.
I see close friends when I can. Since they’re mostly busy with their lives, I catch up with them when I can or I call them. But it’s been really good like that - sharing daily victories, failures and wisdom.
I video call people in Europe quite often, to my German family (best friend’s family) and friend in Austria, mostly to see how they are and to practice my German here and there. My Austrian friend’s name is Lena, who has been great to talk to as I try to keep up with the time differences. We mostly speak English and then some Denglisch so communication is not an issue here. My German is definitely getting better overall.
Now back to my day.
Thanks for reading!