Location: Bogong Avenue/Myrtle Street
We will clean the streets around the intersection of Bogong Avenue and Myrtle Street for about an hour.
We will be practising social distancing and supporting contact tracing. Hand sanitiser will be available.
Please bring your own gloves, bags and litter grabbers if you have them.
Dress for the weather and bring a water bottle.
Bring your friends and family along if you can, it's a great way to spend time together doing something wonderful for the local and wider environment.
Please note: children under 15 now have to be accompanied by an adult.
We hope to see you at our upcoming clean or at another of our events this year. We always appreciate your time and help!
If you are new to our group, look out for the red LOS3150 t-shirts, and if you have one please wear it to help promote us!
You are welcome to contact Ruth on 0431 380 332 with any queries.
Please make note of the following COVID-safe rules:-
1. DO NOT ATTEND if you:
• Have tested positive for COVID-19 or are awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test.
• Are generally unwell and have any flu-like symptoms (fever, sore throat, cough, fatigue or runny nose, loss of sense of taste or smell).
• Have been in direct contact with a person who has any (even mild) flu-like symptoms (fever, sore throat, cough, fatigue or runny nose, loss of sense of taste or smell).
• Have been to any destination for which quarantine restrictions apply on your return (for example a designated COVID-19 hotspot).
• Have been in direct contact with any person suspected of or diagnosed with COVID-19.
2. BRING YOUR OWN protective gear and items to facilitate litter collection including bags, gloves, grabbers.